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VOSTOK 2 | ![]() |
Crew: 1 | CDR - Gherman Titov |
Launch | 6 August 1961 @ 0600 UT |
Orbital incl: | 64.93 |
Max alt: | 257 km. |
Orbits: | 16 |
Dur: | 1:00:11:00 |
Landing: | 7 August 1961 @ 0611:00 UT |
person in space, at age 25 years, 311 days. It is widely believed that he also became the first person to get "space sick." Originally, his mission was planned by Korelov to be only 3 orbits. But, the Kremlin - Krushchyev, in particular - wanted space spectaculars. So, Titov was sent up for one day. Although his reports of being space sick have not been confirmed, one can only wonder what Korelov and mission control thought when their first pilot to stay up a day became ill. |