After looking at this web site, you might think, why would I order a book with the same information? Simple: The book contains hundreds of diagrams of everything from the shuttle itself, to the various satellites and probes they've launched!
I've kept this sight low on pictures so it would load fast. To get the whole picture, just send a check or money order to:
C/O David Fischer
805 Kuenzli St., Apt. #137
Reno, NV 89502-1153
The Space Shuttle Almanac (Contains up to Update #12)
Each additional Update:
4 Updates for $45.00!! Best deal!!
For an extra $15 each, Updates 13 & 14 can be added to The Almanac
For a free sample, send me a letter or an e-mail, and we'll send you a copy of STS-49, the first flight of Endeavour, complete with artwork.
Also, if there is enough interest I will send out an e-mail with news on the shuttle and space related events. If you are interested, drop me an e-mail at [email protected], and I'll get back to you on it. Or, if you just have a question, want some information, or just to talk space stuff. I like e-mail!